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Sradanus lived in Florence and became intimate with the Medici family. Stradanus (Giovanni Stradano) (1523 -1605)īy this name is known the Flemish painter Jan van der Straet. It is believed that this portrait was meant to adorn the library of a scholar. They are comparable stylistically to his later works because they are full of archaic elements and because the figures therein do not contain traits of realism.īotticelli’s evident admiration for Dante is exemplified in a portrait of Dante that he created in 1495, still very famous today. These drawnings have since been dispersed some lie in the Vatican Museum, while others are housed in the museums of Berlin. Some say it still hides something yet to be discovered… Botticelli was extremely faithful to Dante’s text and was very precise in devoting illustrations to every scene that he considered of utmost interest.īotticelli also drew a highly detailed map of the Underworld along with a frightening portrait of Satan on a double sheet.The famous Map of Hell is the most accurate representation of the structure of Dante’s hell, and has been interpreted in many ways over the centuries. While it was customary to illustrate books with a few small images and give predominance to the text, Botticelli instead created illustrations that were similar to paintings, numerous and large, to accompany each canto of the poem. Botticelli illustrated The Divine Comedy for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco dei Medici (who also owned the Primavera) between 14. It is noteworthy that the first commented edition of The Divine Comedy was published in Florence in 1481, at which time the popularity of this poem was growing. Since Botticelli was a learned man, he wrote a commentary on part of Dante’s poem, and after illustrating the Inferno, he printed the work. The following is a selection of artists whose works of art have been inspired by The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.

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